This humidity has killed my exercise 'mo-jo'. The heat doesn't bother me, but the humidity does. Big time. It just affects every part of me. It's so hard to breathe. For the past few weeks, I've been struggling to run more than 1-2 times per week, and the run I did on Friday just plain sucked. I hadn't ran all week and it was nasty outside. I even had to stop and walk for a bit, something I hadn't done in a really, really long time.
Then today came.
It was in the low 80s and windy with DRY air. No humidity. It was truly perfect. I wasn't in the mood to run, but I knew I had to. I started running and it just felt good. I ran across the marsh against the wind. I had planned on doing my usual 3 miles, but I felt so good, I kept going. and going. I turned around at mile 2.2 and had more energy than I've had running in a long, long, long time. I can't even begin to tell you when the last time I ran 4 miles was....and felt good doing it! I had been planning on running over 4 miles today, but I ran into Kevin and the girls on their walk, and of course, I couldn't just pass them, I stopped.
Here was my run:
Duration: 43:14
Distance: 4.07 miles
Pace: 10:37 mins/mile
Honestly, I hadn't felt that good after a run in sooooooo long. I could have kept going! I wasn't even tired when I saw everyone. It put me in such a great mood for the rest of the even. Completely and utterly rejuvenated!
Who woulda thunk a run would make me feel so good!?!
9 years ago
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