Today, we celebrated Father's Day by running in the Sea Dogs Fathers Day 5K race here in Portland. This would be our second 5K race since the start of my 90 day challenge. This race was a bit different! We were not alone in running the race. My parents decided it was time to run in their very first 5K race! Not only did they run but our good friends Kristen & Enrique and Kim & Mike were there, too. It was different this time. I knew what to expect and being alongside Kevin, my parents and friends made it a bit more exciting.
Look at those hot mammas! (Kim, Me, Kristen, my mom)
The weather was the complete opposite from the Mother's Day 5K last month. Today was HOT and HUMID where last month it was COLD and WINDY. I definitely preferred todays weather! My goal for today was to run it in under 30 minutes. Here were my stats:
Distance: 3.12 miles
Duration: 30:08
Pace: 09:39 mins/mile
Yeah. I improved by about 40 seconds or so, and I was psyched I kept my pace under 10 minutes....but I would be lying if I told you I was psyched about my time. Yeah, I was only 8 seconds over my goal, but I did not run it in under 30 minutes. I don't know where I went the time I realized I missed my goal, it was too late to make the time up. Bummer. Big. Fat. Bummer. Overall, I am happy, just not psyched! I felt a lot stronger and in tune with myself than I did previously. I improved. I don't have regrets. Next time, I will do better! There will be a next time!
I was so impressed with Kevin! He blasted his previous time, and I am so proud of him for that. He worked hard for it! Last time he ran the 5K with me in about 30:40, but today, he ran it in just about 28+ minutes! He had originally planned to start off slow, but when he took off like crazy, I knew he was on a mission!
My parents did an awesome job, too! I couldn't be more proud of them. My mom, who was nervous a few days ago about "not liking to run" or "not sure if she'll do it" - finished in just over 32 minutes! Whoa! She was wanting to be under 40 minutes...she certainly blew away that goal! My dad, who never runs, beat me by 9 seconds! He took off at the start and I thought for sure I'd be seeing him on the ground up the road, but nope! I caught up with him, and he beat me! Whaaaaaaaaaat!?! Then, my girlfriend Kristen, who I don't think really wanted to run did an awesome job! She finished a minute behind me! Everyone did a really great job!
Today wasn't as "emotional" as my first 5K, but it left me wanting more. It left me wanting to run another race. It feels great! It makes me feel so good inside that I have inspired those close to me to do such good things for themselves. This is about bettering ourselves. Making ourselves feel better and live a healthier life! It feels good! It sets such a great example for our children - it sets a great example for our friends and family, too! I love that those close to me are jumping on the train with me!
The goal for everyone was to finish with no regrets. Never give up.
And we didn't.
Good job everyone! I challenge you to sign up for a 5K - whether it be your 1st or 100th. Challenge yourself to just finish the race. You can do it.
9 years ago
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