Thursday, February 18, 2010

You're going to run for 90 days???

NO! Way! Jose!

Kevin asked me if I was going to run every single day for 90 days tonight......seriously!? I am not that crazy! If I am not mistaken, the couch to 5K is just a few days a week. Very if you thought I was going to run for 90 days straight, you were wrong! I'm pretty sure I would die if I did that! Maybe one day straight, but surely not 90 :)


  1. Kudos to you!! I love running and since the 3rd child have now gotten my time under 29 minutes! I did the c25k twice before saying to myself that I was absolutely ready!
    Good luck on your journey to run a 5k on Mother's Day!!!

  2. Thank you! and thanks for visiting...
