Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 17: Cardio

Day 17: Biggest Loser: 10 minute Cardio pump & Jillian Michaels trouble zone (30 min total)

I had planned on running today, but my plans kind of went down the tubes. I forgot the girls had swim school this evening, so that kind of put a damper on my running plans. I decided to exercise during the girls nap times. I did two work outs that consisted of fairly hefty cardio and weight circuits. I was dying. Yesterdays yoga session really got to me. I was feeling it pretty bad in my quads, but it felt good.

Tomorrow I am planning on running!

1 comment:

  1. You are rockin' girl!

    Ok, today:
    20 pull ups (with ring assistants)
    20 squats
    20 sit ups
    20 push ups (sometimes a half one!)
    REPEAT 3 times!

    I am pooped!
